Can be easily taken at home
High quality Japanese supplements

Lypo-Capsule brand began at a clinic in Kamakura with which we, Spic, collaborate. In 2007, Dr. YANAGISAWA Atsuo, who was the director of the clinic at the time and is now an authority on intravenous therapy, saw the potential in the power of vitamin C and brought back the technology for high-concentration vitamin C intravenous drip *1 from the United States. It was an opportunity.
Dr. Yanagisawa also focuses on liposome *2 vitamin C supplements as a way to easily and efficiently take in vitamin C at home. I was looking for a high quality product made in Japan. Therefore, with the desire to meet the needs of professionals and support customers in their independent health efforts, Spic decided to begin development.
*1 A therapy that administers high-concentration vitamin C through an intravenous drip.
*2 A microscopic capsule made of phospholipids. A technology that aims to deliver useful ingredients to every corner of the body.

Development of Lypo-Capsule technology
With 60 professionals

In 2014, we started a project to develop liposomal vitamin C supplements. While pursuing liposome technology, we arrived at Lypo-Capsule technology, which allows for the stable production of capsules of uniform size.
Spic's style is to constantly collaborate with professionals during the development process. During the prototype stage, we received feedback from 60 people, including doctors and beauty experts, and made repeated improvements until we achieved a quality and usability that satisfied our customers.
In this way, in January 2015, we finally completed the first supplement in Japan to make vitamin C into liposomes and commercialize them at a domestic factory, ` Lypo-Capsule Vitamin C.''

For everyone who pursues beauty and health
Continue to deliver important ingredients

`` Lypo-Capsule Vitamin C'' is steadily gaining popularity as it has been well received not only by regular drinkers but also by professionals such as doctors.
In 2023, ` Lypo-Capsule Vitamin C + D'' will be added to the series as attention is increasing not only to vitamin C but also to vitamin D.
Going forward, we will continue to support all customers who pursue beauty and health by making products that utilize Lypo-Capsule technology and delivering important ingredients deep inside.