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What is beautiful skin and whitening? Introducing the reasons why your skin looks dark and whitening care


  1. ・What is beautiful skin and whitening?
  2. ・Causes of skin appearing dark
  3. ・ Immediate skin care and whitening care methods
  4. ·summary

Clear, beautiful skin is a dream for women of all eras. What kind of care should I take to achieve such beautiful skin?
In this article, we will explain the reasons why your skin looks dark and introduce ways to whiten your skin at home.

What is beautiful skin and whitening?

First, let's explain what kind of skin condition "beautiful skin" and "whitening" refer to.

・Has firmness
・Good complexion

Skin that has these conditions in a healthy state is called "beautiful skin." Moisture is especially important, and keeping your skin sufficiently hydrated will keep your skin firm and elastic.
Also, when it comes to whitening, it is also important to have a sense of transparency. Just because the skin is white does not mean it is "whitening".

Causes of skin appearing dark

Next, we will explain the reasons why your skin looks darker. There are various reasons why your skin looks dark, and in order to have fair skin, you must remove them. Know the cause, take measures, and aim for whiter skin.


What many women are most concerned about are age spots and freckles. These occur when melanin is produced when exposed to ultraviolet rays and is deposited on the skin. Once melanin is deposited, it cannot be excreted immediately; it is excreted little by little over time due to skin turnover.
Turnover slows down with age, so it takes longer for people in their 40s and above to eliminate it.
Spots can be caused by aging skin, and freckles can be caused not only by UV rays but also by genetics.


Dryness, which is the enemy of beautiful skin, is also one of the reasons why your skin looks dark. When your skin becomes dry, its texture becomes irregular and it loses its firmness, creating shadows and making it look dull.
In addition, when skin becomes dry, melanin is produced even if it is a small irritation that would not be a problem for healthy skin, and it is deposited on the skin and causes darkening.
Dry skin is caused by disturbances in skin turnover due to disturbances in the intestinal environment, as well as washing your face too much or using too strong a face wash. In addition, you need to be careful about drying the air caused by air conditioners.


Women are more prone to anemia because they also menstruate. Anemia refers to a state in which the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreases, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the body. The main cause is iron deficiency. In this state, sufficient nutrients and oxygen are not delivered to the skin, causing the complexion to look pale and dull, as if it has been drained of blood.
Poor blood circulation due to fatigue, stress, coldness, lack of exercise, etc. can also cause dullness, so moderate exercise and bathing are effective.


Sunburn is a major enemy of skin whitening. The biggest reason why your skin looks dark is damage from UV rays. Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes overproduction of melanin, which darkens the surface of the skin.
Normally, melanin is excreted through skin turnover, but if the melanin cannot catch up due to exposure to strong ultraviolet rays or slow turnover, it will be deposited on the skin and cause sunburn. As a result, it can lead to spots and freckles, so tanning can be said to be the biggest enemy when aiming for beautiful and white skin.

Melasma (kanpan)

Melasma is a light brown pigmented patch that is characterized by spreading symmetrically, in the same size, and in the same shape on both cheeks, chin, and forehead. Unlike regular stains, which have clear outlines, they appear in a map-like shape that spreads out and has unclear boundaries. It is thought to be largely related to female hormones, and is often seen in women in their late 30s to 50s, who tend to lose their hormonal balance as they approach menopause. Other causes include incorrect skin care, damage from UV rays, stress, and lack of sleep.

Immediate skin care and whitening care methods

Finally, we will introduce methods for skin care and whitening that you can easily do yourself. In order to aim for beautiful, white skin, it is important to approach it not only from the outside of the skin but also from the inside of the body. Aim for clear and beautiful skin with basic whitening care such as reviewing your daily skin care routine and improving your lifestyle habits.

Adjust the intestinal environment

If your intestinal environment is disturbed, even if you ingest ingredients that are good for your skin, the nutrients will not reach your skin. Be conscious of adjusting your intestinal environment, as this can lead to disturbed turnover.
To maintain a healthy intestinal environment, we recommend consuming soluble dietary fiber, which is abundant in seaweed, and fermented foods such as yogurt and natto. In addition, try consuming sweet sake, vegetables and soybeans that contain a lot of oligosaccharides. Moderate exercise and quality sleep also help improve the intestinal environment.

-Avoid sugary and oily foods

In order to maintain beautiful skin, it is important to avoid foods that may have a negative effect on your skin. Foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates combine with fats and proteins, causing a phenomenon called glycation. When glycation occurs, the collagen necessary to maintain skin firmness is destroyed, causing wrinkles and sagging.
Also, consuming too much oil can lead to excessive sebum secretion. When sebum oxidizes, melanin is secreted, causing dull skin, so you should also be careful about foods with a high oil content.

Wash your face properly

It is important to wash your face properly to avoid irritating your skin. If you rub your skin too hard or rinse it off with hot water, it will dry out your skin and cause more melanin to be produced. Using clean hands, lather up the facial cleanser and wash your face by rolling the lather around, avoiding direct contact with your skin. When rinsing, we recommend rinsing carefully with lukewarm water 20 to 30 times. After washing your face, be sure to moisturize it with lotion and emulsion. Careful moisturizing care helps maintain the skin's barrier function.

Take measures against ultraviolet rays

The biggest enemy of skin whitening is ultraviolet rays. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible to prevent damage from UV rays and dullness and spots caused by melanin production.
Even outside of summer, it is essential to take measures against UV rays such as applying sunscreen and using a parasol when going out.
Also, by avoiding exposure to the sun, you will be deficient in vitamin D, which is normally produced by exposure to the sun. It is best to supplement with food or supplements.

Get good quality sleep

Good quality sleep is also essential for maintaining beautiful skin. Skin turnover is greatly influenced by lifestyle habits. If the turnover is disrupted, melanin will not be easily excreted, and spots and dullness will not be improved.
Also, during sleep, the secretion of growth hormone repairs skin damage sustained during the day. It is recommended that you refrain from using your smartphone and relax before bed so that you can get a deep sleep for a certain amount of time at the same time every day. Good sleep also helps reduce stress, which can cause skin problems.

Do moderate exercise

Moderate exercise is not only good for health and diet, but also has the effect of regulating blood and lymph flow. Poor blood circulation can cause your skin to look dull and lead to disordered skin turnover, so improve your blood circulation with moderate exercise.
By promoting skin turnover and improving metabolism, it becomes easier to excrete melanin, which is the cause of age spots and dullness. It is recommended that you try to do some light exercise such as exercise or walking.


The basic care for beautiful and white skin is proper face washing, careful moisturizing, skin care that avoids friction, and UV protection. By removing as many causes as possible that make your skin look dark and continuing with proper care, you can aim for clear, beautiful skin.
Let's use the methods introduced this time to condition your skin from both the outside and inside of your body.

Article supervision

Director Fumi Yagabe
Miyabi Clinic

After graduating from Nagasaki University School of Medicine, he joined the Department of Plastic Surgery at Nagasaki University.
After gaining experience in the laser outpatient and cosmetic medicine department at Fukuoka University School of Plastic Surgery,
In 2016, he opened Miyabi Clinic, a plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology clinic, and serves as its director.

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