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Prevent the “winter blues” by reviewing the nutrition of your body and mind


  1. ・Why do I feel unstable in winter?
  2. ・If you have the following symptoms, you may have "winter blues"
  3. ・First of all, prevention. And in case of an emergency, take a good rest
  4. ·summary

Have you ever heard the term "winter blues"?
When winter comes, you feel unmotivated, feel sad and depressed, and lose interest in things that used to be fun...This kind of depression is called ``winter blues,'' a seasonal depression that is unique to winter. Masu.

The symptoms and severity vary from person to person, but it is never the fault of the person, nor is it the person's fault. In fact, it can be prevented with a few simple measures.

“Winter blues” can happen to anyone. We asked Yuki Hasegawa, a registered dietitian at Argo Medical Salon, about the causes, mechanisms, and ways to deal with them.

Why do I feel unstable in winter?

``Mental stability is actually related to daylight hours.December and January are the shortest hours of the year.Then, the secretion of serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, decreases, leading to a sense of security. This makes it difficult to feel happy and happy, leading to a depressed mood.Serotonin controls the body's internal clock and is also a source of the hormone melaton, which induces sleep.As serotonin decreases, melatonin also decreases, leading to better quality sleep. If you can't get it, your physical and mental health will be affected,'' says Hasegawa.

It seems that these hormonal imbalances and decreases in neurotransmitters are so subtle that they are difficult to notice.

"Unlike women, who are particularly susceptible to discomfort due to the lunar rhythm, men seem to be more susceptible."

It also seems to be more common in northern countries where there is less sunlight.

People with these symptoms may be suffering from "winter blues"

"Winter blues can happen to anyone, and it's important to notice them as soon as possible. First, check the checklist below to see if any of them apply to you." (Mr. Hasegawa)

✔ Feeling unstable ✔ Unable to concentrate on what's in front of you ✔ Lethargy ✔ Feeling tired ✔ Tears naturally come out ✔ No matter what you do, you don't enjoy it ✔ You don't feel energetic

If any of the above apply to you, you may be experiencing the "winter blues." In particular, if this applies not only at work but also in your private life, the symptoms may be quite advanced.

First, prevention. And in case of an emergency, take a good rest

The key to preventing the "winter blues" is in your daily life. We asked Mr. Hasegawa some points.

Regular life

"During winter, when the daylight hours are short, you will inevitably experience a state similar to jet lag. By eating regularly in the morning, noon, and evening, your body will be able to tell you, ``It's morning,'' ``It's noon,'' and ``It's night.'' It is important to teach the cycle to children.”

-Actively expose yourself to sunlight

"The primary cause is short daylight hours. On sunny days, go outside and soak up as much sunlight as you can. Doing so will make it easier to secrete the happiness hormone serotonin."
By the way, even with the same amount of light, it seems that the lighting in the room is not enough.

-Eat foodsrich in tryptophan

"Serotonin is made from the essential amino acid tryptophan. Since it cannot be produced in the body, it must be obtained through food. Chicken, tofu, and natto contain large amounts of it. In addition, B vitamins, It's a good idea to take D and magnesium together.In particular, take more vitamin D than you would in the summer, which is produced by exposure to sunlight.

Take a deep breath

"When it's cold, you tend to breathe shallowly. Shallow breathing can disrupt your autonomic nervous system and cause various problems. Try to take deep breaths several times a day. Just doing that will help you relax a lot. It is especially effective when you feel anxious.”

``If you are already experiencing symptoms and are finding it difficult, first of all, get some rest.Also, make sure to eat a well-balanced diet.In recent years, ``active rest'' has been attracting attention.When you are tired, Dare to move your body. Doing so will improve blood flow and eliminate fatigue substances efficiently."

It's also important to find your own way to relax.

"They say that when you do something you love, you use a different part of your brain than when you're working. It's also important to give your brain a rest."


It seems that the ``winter blues'' that are unique to winter often disappear as the daylight hours get longer as we head into spring. However, you also want to stay healthy during the winter. Let's start by doing what we can, such as adjusting the rhythm of our lives, getting proper nutrition, and soaking up the sun's rays.

Yuki Hasegawa
Argo Medical Salon Registered Dietitian. An algorithm that works with each individual to create custom-made medical care that suits each person, including those who are worried about their physical condition, and those who have no health problems but want to improve their performance as a further investment in themselves. At the medical salon, he provides detailed guidance on nutrition.

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