What are the important points in hair care? Introducing the necessary nutrients and how to choose shampoo | Lypo-C Magazine | For liposomal vitamin C with a focus on absorption rate, try Lypo-capsule Vitamin C [Official]
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What are the important points in hair care? Introducing the necessary nutrients and how to choose shampoo


  1. ・Important points for hair care
  2. ・Introducing foods that are good for your hair
  3. Foods that are bad for your hair
  4. ・How to choose shampoo
  5. ·summary

Everyone has different concerns about their hair, such as stiffness, frizz, lack of volume, etc., but we all share the same desire to have beautiful hair. In this article, we will introduce in detail the important points of hair care, the nutrients hair needs, and how to choose the right shampoo to keep your hair healthy.

Important points for hair care

To take effective care of your hair, you need to know about hair itself, the causes of damage, and the correct way to care for it. Here are five tips for hair care.

Gain a deeper understanding of your hair condition and quality

When checking the condition of your hair, you should pay attention to the cuticle. The surface of your hair has a structure called the cuticle, which is like fish scales, that protects the inside of the hair. The cuticle is a thin and delicate structure that can peel off if it is damaged by heat or friction.

In addition to the condition of your hair, you should also pay attention to your hair type. Japanese hair types can be roughly divided into the following four types.

• Straight hair
• Curly hair
• Coarse bristles
• Fine hair

Since everyone's hair is different, it's important to choose a hair care product that suits your hair type.

Understand what causes hair damage

There are many different reasons that can damage your hair. Here are the four main causes:

• Heat
• Humidity
• UV rays
• Drugs

The cuticles on the surface of the hair are sensitive to heat and can be damaged by hair dryers and hair irons. It is recommended that you choose a hair dryer that can be switched between hot and cold so that your hair does not get too hot, and a hair iron that is made of materials that are gentle on your hair.

On rainy days, the humidity can make your hair difficult to manage. Using a hair dryer for a long time or blow-drying too hard can damage your hair. Use treatments and styling products that suit your hair type to prevent damage to your hair.

When exposed to ultraviolet rays, hair can become sunburned and damaged. When going out, use a parasol or spray your hair with sunscreen. Also, wet hair is more likely to absorb ultraviolet rays, so try not to go out with wet hair.

Coloring and perm chemicals can damage your hair. Try to use chemicals that are as gentle on your hair as possible. Recently, there are treatments that can bleach and care for your hair at the same time.

Give your hair the nutrients it needs

The nutrients essential for healthy hair are zinc, protein, and vitamin B. Vitamin A and vitamin E promote protein absorption. Iodine, a mineral, promotes metabolism and helps hair growth.

A well-balanced diet like this will help keep your hair healthy.

Learn how to use shampoo and treatment properly

When it comes to shampooing and treatment procedures, it's easy to develop your own style because you rarely have the opportunity to compare them with others. Let's check the correct way to use them.

It is recommended to wash your hair at night. If you leave dirt from the day in your hair and go to sleep at night, it may cause scalp problems. Shampoo at night instead of in the morning.

When shampooing, first thoroughly wash off dirt from your hair and scalp with just warm water, then take the shampoo and gently lather it from the roots of your hair. Wash your hair by running your fingers through it from the roots to the tips, and gently massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers. Avoid rubbing your hair together as this can damage it.

Be sure to rinse thoroughly. After you think the bubbles have disappeared, rinse for an additional 10 seconds.

Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair, then work it into the roots. The key is rinsing. Be sure to rinse thoroughly so that no conditioner remains in your hair or scalp until it no longer feels sticky.

Be careful when drying your hair with a towel or hair dryer

If you go to bed with wet hair, it will rub against your hair and become damaged. After washing your hair, dry it as soon as possible. Here are some points to keep in mind when drying your hair.

Gently massage your scalp and press your hair without rubbing it, then absorb the moisture with a towel. The rule of thumb is always to be gentle.

Use a hair dryer to dry your bangs first, then the roots. When half of your hair is dry, place your fingers inside your hair and gently blow the dryer's air into it to dry the inside of your hair. When the roots are dry, dry your hair all over while combing it with your fingers, and once all of your hair is dry, use the cool air from the hair dryer. This will prevent too much moisture from evaporating from your hair.

The key is to move the hair dryer in small movements so that the air is not directed at the same place continuously. Dry your hair gently with your hands, without using a hairbrush.

Introducing foods that are good for your hair

In order to care for your hair from the inside out, you should also pay attention to what you eat. Here are eight foods that are said to be good for your hair.

Protein-rich beef

Hair is made up of protein, so foods that contain protein are essential for healthy hair.

Red meat, in particular, is rich in iron, B vitamins, zinc, etc. It is a recommended food for those who want shiny hair.
To avoid consuming too much fat, cook lean cuts of meat, preferably with less oil.

Seafood that provides both vitamins and protein

Seafood is a food rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids.
Protein is an essential nutrient for hair growth. Unsaturated fatty acids are also thought to play an important role in creating shiny hair. Blue fish, particularly pacific saury, contain vitamins necessary for a healthy scalp.

Unsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are sensitive to heat and are destroyed when fried in oil. If you want to consume them efficiently, it is recommended that you eat fish raw or grilled.

Soy products containing isoflavones that are good for your hair

Tofu, soy milk, natto, and other soybean-based foods and drinks are also good for your hair. These soybean products are rich in high-quality protein, iron, dietary fiber, and isoflavones. Isoflavones help keep your skin healthy and are also said to be good for your hair.

Oysters are rich in zinc, vitamins and minerals

Oysters are a food that contains a balanced amount of ingredients that are said to be good for hair.

Oysters contain a lot of zinc, which promotes hair growth and influences the production of melanin, the source of hair color. Oysters also contain taurine and lysine, which promote blood circulation, aid in the absorption of nutrients, and aid in the production of proteins.

Liver rich in iron

Liver is rich in various nutrients necessary for healthy hair, including iron, B vitamins, zinc, and essential amino acids.

It is well known that liver is good for anemia, but since symptoms of anemia can lead to weak and thinning hair, preventing anemia also leads to healthy hair. So liver is a food that is good not only for anemia but also for hair.

Seaweed with minerals that help hair growth

Seaweed is rich in minerals necessary for hair and is a food that promotes the synthesis of keratin, the main component of hair. Chlorophyll a, the green component of seaweed, binds with keratin and strengthens hair.

Additionally, among seaweeds, hijiki and nori are high in iron and are said to be good for preventing gray hair and hair loss.

Green and yellow vegetables that provide vitamins to take care of your body

Green and yellow vegetables contain vitamins, iron, calcium, and iron. They are foods that care for not only your hair but your entire body.

In addition, beta-carotene, a carotenoid found in green and yellow vegetables, is expected to have the effect of removing active oxygen from the body and suppressing aging. Because beta-carotene is fat-soluble, its absorption rate increases when cooked with oil.
It also has the advantage of reducing the volume and making it easier to eat, so it is recommended to use it in stir-fries or deep-fries.

Garlic and onions improve blood circulation

For healthy hair, it is important to have good blood circulation in the scalp.

Nutrients are carried throughout the body via the blood. Poor circulation leads to poor functioning of the hair matrix cells that produce hair.
Garlic and onions, which have the effect of improving blood circulation, are foods that you should eat on a daily basis.

Foods that are bad for your hair

While there are foods that are said to be good for your hair, there are also foods that are said to be bad for it.

For example, fried foods, snacks, sweets, and other foods that are high in fat and sugar. Eating too much of these foods can cause poor blood circulation and make it difficult for nutrients to reach the scalp.

Drinking too much alcohol is also bad for your hair. Alcohol puts a strain on the liver and can interfere with the production of proteins that make hair.

It is said that taking in too much salt is also bad for your hair. When blood vessels weaken and blood flow becomes poor, the health of your hair will be compromised. Processed foods such as cup ramen contain a lot of salt, so be careful not to eat too much of them.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat these foods, but you should eat them in moderation and make sure to balance your diet with foods that are good for your hair.

How to Choose a Shampoo

Choosing the right shampoo is also important when it comes to hair care. We will explain what you should pay attention to when choosing a shampoo from three perspectives.

Match to your hair type

When choosing a shampoo based on your hair type, if you are concerned about stiff hair, we recommend a shampoo that contains moisturizing ingredients and oils. There are various types of oils, such as jojoba oil and camellia oil.
If you have trouble with frizzy or wavy hair, choose a shampoo that contains moisturizing ingredients. Also, shampoos that contain silicone will make your hair smoother.
If you have soft hair that feels lacking in volume, choose a shampoo that contains ingredients that give it bounce and strength.

Determine your hair type and find the shampoo that suits you.

Match to your skin type

Skin type refers to the condition of the scalp from which hair grows. There are three main types:

• Dry skin
• Oily skin
• Sensitive skin

For people with dry skin, we recommend amino acid shampoos that moisturize the scalp. Although they have lower foaming and cleaning power than other shampoos, they are characterized by their low irritation to the skin and high moisturizing power.

When your skin becomes oily due to aging, it is best to use an oil-based or carbonated shampoo that removes the greasiness caused by oxidized lipids.

For oily skin in young people, a high-grade alcohol-based shampoo with strong cleansing power is best. It foams well and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. If you are concerned about dryness from washing too much, an amino acid-based shampoo is recommended, and for those with sensitive skin, a soap-based shampoo is recommended.

For people with sensitive skin, soap-based shampoos made from animal or vegetable oils are recommended. They are low-irritation shampoos made from natural ingredients, but they have strong cleaning power and will thoroughly remove dirt. If you are concerned about the stiff feeling of your skin, try using a treatment.

Customize it to your taste

In addition to choosing a shampoo that suits your skin and hair type, you can also choose one that takes into account the user's personal preferences.

For example, there is the presence or absence of silicone in the shampoo. Silicon is an ingredient that makes hair supple, but some people feel that it gives their hair a different feel than it would if it were their natural hair. If you are one of those people, choose a silicone-free shampoo.

One way to choose is by scent. There are shampoos with a variety of scents, such as fruity, floral, and herbal. You can also choose one with a milder scent. If you can find a shampoo with a scent you like, you can enjoy a relaxing bath time.


There are many points to consider when taking effective hair care, such as understanding your hair, eating foods that are good for your hair, and choosing shampoos and treatments that suit you. Choose the hair care that suits you and enjoy healthy hair.

Article supervision

Professor Itsuki Nakayama

Member of the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. Graduated from Juntendo University.
After working at a university hospital and a municipal hospital, she gained experience in cosmetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology at a major beauty clinic.
Currently, he is the director of ALMOND CLINIC in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where he is involved in cosmetic medicine and regenerative medicine.
He also supervises many medical articles.

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